Shipping policy

All of Elise India orders are shipped door-to-door from our warehouse in India to your provided shipping address. Once we receive your order, we typically ship within 5-7 business days. Shipping destinations offered by for delivery will be extended and updated from time to time and listed online. We do not ship backorders. We aim to keep every item on our website in stock. If there is an item which you purchase and then we realise this item is not available, we will promptly inform you within 2 working days of your purchase and fully refund your money for the out of stock item. We can only process one shipping address per order. So, if you would like to order several items and ship to different people, please treat these as separate orders. We cannot ship to Post Office Box addresses and take no responsibility for non delivery of orders in case the delivery address includes P. O. Box details in any part or form.You can track the package through the Order Tracking facility. If the package status is shown as undeliverable please call Customer Service and quote your tracking number to trace your package.